
Thursday 11.2.2021



Accordion and Winter are the year’s themes.
A range of musical genres are on the program.

Concert at 7.00 p.m. Finnish time, on 6.00 p.m. CET (Central European Time)
You can watch it later on YouTube after the show.

Watch the concert now!

Poimintoja / Utdrag / Excerpts

Lunch Musik

Relaxing music during lunch break. Valentinos 11.30-11.50 Kokkolinna  12.00-12.30 La Favorita  13.30-14.00  

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13 February, 2024
}Tuesday, 11:30 - 14:00

Karelian Valentine’s Day lunch

Karelian food culture at its tastiest, come and enjoy it!

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14 February, 2024
14 €EUR
}Wednesday, 11:00 - 14:00
Isokatu 1, Kokkola

Festivals official dance

Experience Winter Accordions festival dance with the power of two orchestras. Everyone is welcome to dance on the big floor! Cafe open. FRIDAY 16.2   20-01 Guns Rosor has been entertaining the dance people of Ostrobothnia since 2013, i.e. for ten years despite their young age. The happy stage mood and versatile music with major-based music […]

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16 February, 2024
Liput: 20€EUR
}Friday, 20:00 - 01:00
Vapaudentie 1, Kokkola

Henna and the Superheroes

Henna and the Superheroes takes over the schools of Kokkola! Henna-Maija Kuki             accordion and vocals  Alina Järvelä                      violin and vocals  Susanna Lukkarinen        piano and vocals  We have received a tip that a great superpower has been hidden […]

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13 February, 2024
}Tuesday, 10:00 - 13:00
Kokkolan koulut

Young virtuosos let loose!

The traditional Monday night of the festival is filled with energy! There will be solo and chamber music performances, Junior accordions, K-30 orchestra and Jazzcombo, Active Accordion Orchestra. Visitors also from Music School Legato. WELCOME!

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12 February, 2024
}Monday, 18:00 - 20:00
Pitkänsillankatu 16, Kokkola

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