Henna and the Superheroes takes over the schools of Kokkola!
Henna-Maija Kuki accordion and vocals
Alina Järvelä violin and vocals
Susanna Lukkarinen piano and vocals
We have received a tip that a great superpower has been hidden somewhere in Kokkola! At the concert, we will go on an adventure together: can superpowers be found in nature, seasons or space? You can only find out by coming to the school concerts!
The concert is suitable for both kindergarten and primary school children.
Tue 13.2. Kälviän vapaa-ajantalon liikuntahalli, klo/kl. 9.30, Marttilankatu 4
Tue 13.2. Lohtajan Maininki, klo/kl. 12.30, Karhintie 5
Wed 14.2. Hollihaan koulun liikuntahalli, klo/kl. 9.00, Pikiruukintie/Beckbruksvägen4
Wed 14.2. Isokylän koulu, klo/kl. 12.00, Sillanpääntie/Broändavägen 22