Lunch Musik

Wednesday 14.2.2024

Paikat ilmoitetaan


Vapaa pääsy


Relaxing music during lunch break.

Klo 11 Matkustajakoti Ykspihlaja
Klo 12 Kaupungintalo
Klo 12.30 Ravintola Kokkolinna
Klo 13.30 Kulma


Poimintoja / Utdrag / Excerpts

Henna and the Superheroes

Henna and the Superheroes takes over the schools of Kokkola! Henna-Maija Kuki             accordion and vocals  Alina Järvelä                      violin and vocals  Susanna Lukkarinen        piano and vocals  We have received a tip that a great superpower has been hidden […]

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13 February, 2024
}Tuesday, 10:00 - 13:00
Kokkolan koulut

Life as a composer

Cecilia Damström talks about her life and her compositions

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15 February, 2024
}Thursday, 17:30 - 18:30
Kauppiaankatu 10, Pietarsaari

Tango Dance Course

Learn to dance tango!

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10 February, 2024
10 €/ 15 € -EUR
}Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00
Pormestarinkatu 28, Kokkola

Festivals official dance

Experience Winter Accordions festival dance with the power of two orchestras. Everyone is welcome to dance on the big floor! Cafe open. FRIDAY 16.2   20-01 Guns Rosor has been entertaining the dance people of Ostrobothnia since 2013, i.e. for ten years despite their young age. The happy stage mood and versatile music with major-based music […]

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16 February, 2024
Liput: 20€EUR
}Friday, 20:00 - 01:00
Vapaudentie 1, Kokkola

Ukrainian lunch

Come and enjoy the delicacies of Ukrainian gastronomy and get to know the country’s rich food culture. Relaxing music on lunch break to the rhythm of the duo Balalaitari

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13 February, 2024
14 €EUR
}Tuesday, 11:00 - 14:00
Isokatu 1, Kokkola

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