Kokkola: The Dark Years

Sunday 7.2.2021

Katariinan kalmisto

Torikatu 43, Kokkola


Tales from our city by the sea are the spotlight of this tour. Learn how years of famine and plagues affected everyday life Kokkola in centuries past.

The tour starts at Katariina cemetery and will be divided into two groups. Social distancing will be observed. To enter call: 050 3748604/Teerikangas.

Free admission

Poimintoja / Utdrag / Excerpts

In a tube of dance

Conservatory’s ballet students joyful dance performance in the gateway above Sunti. Guardia Nueva’s Tico-Tico, Libertango and Mainingit will be heard in the performances. The public can watch the performance from Sunti.

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11 February, 2024
}Sunday, 18:00 - 18:30
Tehtaankatu 1, Kokkola

Tango del Norte

Finnish passion for Argentine tango and folklore

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10 February, 2024
25 €EUR
}Saturday, 20:00 - 21:00
Katariinankatu 16, Kokkola

Accordion Skiing

It’s nice and cozy for a skier to ski when Rastimaja’s fireplace creates a warm atmosphere. At Rastimaja, you can grease your skis and enjoy a nice hot cup of juice. Music by Eero Korpimo quartet: Mikko Kemppainen   vocal Eero Korpimo                  accordion Markku Peltoniemi    accordion Esko […]

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11 February, 2024
}Sunday, 11:00 - 14:00
Ahvenpolku 8, Kokkola

Winter in Kokkola in the 17th century

What was winter like in Kokkola centuries ago? Experience a tour, enlivened by the roles of tourist guides, present the history of our city. Kristiina Teerikangas and Elisa Maunumäki explain about the winter seaside town. After the tour, warm juice and Otilia’s buttermilk cake are offered.  

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11 February, 2024
}Sunday, 17:00 - 18:00
Mannerheiminaukio, Kokkola

Young virtuosos let loose!

The traditional Monday night of the festival is filled with energy! There will be solo and chamber music performances, Junior accordions, K-30 orchestra and Jazzcombo, Active Accordion Orchestra. Visitors also from Music School Legato. WELCOME!

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12 February, 2024
}Monday, 18:00 - 20:00
Pitkänsillankatu 16, Kokkola

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