Winter Day of Fun!

Winter Day of Fun!

Downhill skiing ja juice serving for the whole family! Free entrance
In the footsteps of a Jaeger – a guided tour

In the footsteps of a Jaeger – a guided tour

“Why on earth does pharmacist Roos invite Russians living in Kokkola to his home for evening parties, even though he is active in the jaeger movement? It endangers the safety of the entire city when young men visit the pharmacy suspiciously often.” How did...


Dance theater Glims&Gloms and Guardia Nueva An evening dedicated to the music of composer Astor Piazzolla an exhilarating fusion of Argentinian tango music and dance with a 16-piece orchestra, a vocal soloist and 7 dancers. Tuomo Railo’s choreography is a...
Öja’s secret jaeger cabin

Öja’s secret jaeger cabin

In Kokkola’s Öja, there is a jaeger cabin in the middle of the forest, which was used as a hiding place for those intending to become Jaegers in Germany more than a hundred years ago. Who were there? Who was the independence activist Igor Sandman? Linda...
Accordion Skiing

Accordion Skiing

It’s good for a skier to ski when Rastimaja’s fireplace creates a warm atmosphere. At Rastimaja, you can maintain and service your skis, as well as a hot cup of warm juice. Music from Eero Korpimo quintett: Eero Korpimo – accordion Markku Peltoniemi...

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